Stuff I Made ^_^
Table Of Contents (newest to oldest)
Group Projects
Connect-4 game
-- link to original GitHub repo --
-- a game where you connect 4 similar tokens --
-- a group project by me, Reuben Brandt, Regina Wong, and Jonathan Huang. --
-- January 2016 to present (ongoing / to be continued) --
Individual Projects
Scientific AND Financial Calculator
-- link to original GitHub repo --
-- a calculator written in JavaScript, that will have the functions of a scientific AND financial calculator --
-- January 2016 to present (ongoing / to be continued) --
git cheat-sheet
-- a cheat-sheet for git commands --
-- November 2015 --
"Breakout" game
-- link to original GitHub repo --
-- my attempt of making the game "Breakout" in Java --
-- an old project (2012) made with Java (this is a .JAR file) --
-- to-do: make a JS version --
Bouncing Duckies!!
-- link to original GitHub repo --
-- a relaxing way to pass the time; create bouncing duckies on your browser --
-- an old project (2012) made with HTML, CSS, & jQuery --